How To Create Fake Milk Bottles For Your Reborn Doll

Ever wish you could accessorize your reborn doll with a milk bottle but don’t want to risk it spilling and ruining your doll? Some collectors and artists simply place bottles filled with actual formula in their reborn’s crib or nursery; however, this isn’t recommended. If the milk spills (which is bound to happen), you run the risk of damaging your reborn doll or their clothing. Besides, real milk begins to spoil in just hours of being left out. A smarter approach is to create a fake milk bottle using ingredients other than your traditional milk or formula.

Reborn Milk Bottle

When it’s made correctly, no one will be able to tell that your reborn doll has a fake milk bottle instead of a real one. This is just one more element that adds to your doll’s overall realism, which is the ultimate goal for most collectors and artists. Of course, you’ll need to carefully create the fake milk using the correct technique to achieve a realistic look. Simply filling up a bottle with some white-colored beverage isn’t going to work.

Note: If you don’t want to spend the time to make a fake milk bottle, you can choose to purchase one that’s already made. There are a number of individuals and stores that sell fake milk bottles on eBay. Personally, though, I prefer creating my own because of the freedom and creativity it allows.

Supplies Needed For Making a Fake Milk Bottle

The first step for making a fake milk bottle is to gather all of the necessary supplies. There are several different ways to make a fake milk bottle, all of which require different supplies. The method I’m going to reveal here is arguably one of the easiest ways to make one. It’s simple enough so that anyone can successfully create one, which is why I recommend it. As you become more familiar with the process, you can adjust and modify it to better suit your needs.

Gather the following supplies for a fake milk bottle:

  • The desired clear baby bottle of your choice (Playtex makes some pretty good bottles).
  • Superglue or similar extra-hold glue.
  • Bottle of Elmer’s Glue.
  • Bottle of distilled water.
  • About 10 minutes of your free time.

Elmer's Glue

Creating the “Fake Milk”

You might be surprised to learn that most of the milk used in movies and films isn’t milk at all, but instead, it’s a mixture of basic glue and water. It sounds like a yucky combination (it kinda is), but it’s pretty easy to create and looks practically identical to real milk. Watered-down glue is snow white in color, bubbles when shaken, and it sticks to the sides of a bottle — just like real milk does. All of these characteristics transform the glue into a realistic milk substitute for your reborn’s bottles.

To create the fake milk, start by boiling a small pot of water over the stove. After allowing it to boil for a few minutes, add in one container of basic Elmer’s Glue and continue stirring until it’s thoroughly dissolved. I recommend using a paint stirrer to mix the water and glue around, as you probably don’t want to get any glue on your favorite cooking spatula or wooden spoon.

If the consistency of your solution isn’t identical to milk, you may need to add some more glue or water. A liquid solution will require more glue, while a thick solution requires more water. Make the necessary adjustments by adding the ingredients to achieve a consistency similar to real milk. You can also pour a glass of milk into a cup and place it next to your solution for a more accurate comparison.

Reborn Doll Bottle

Preparing The Milk Bottle

Now that you have the fake milk made, it’s time to prepare the bottle. Before pouring it from the pot into the bottle, though, you’ll first need to make sure it’s properly sealed; otherwise, some of the fake milk solutions might leak out and onto your doll.

If your baby bottle has a traditional nipple tip, you’ll need to seal it off with a tiny amount of super glue. Simply place a couple of drops of super glue on the inside of the nipple and wait for it to dry. This will keep the fake milk inside the bottle so it doesn’t come out when the bottle is turned upside down.

With the nipple sealed and secured, go ahead and fill it up about 2/3 of the way full using the fake milk. If you happen to spill any on the outside of the bottle, clean it off with some paper towels.

Next, unscrew the top off your baby bottle and look for the circular sealing ring. For an added level of protection, it’s recommended that you place a small amount of superglue around this circular sealing ring before attaching the top to your bottle. After applying the glue, quickly screw the top and nipple back onto the bottle and wait for it to dry. When it’s done drying, shake the bottle around to ensure none of the fake milk is leaking out.

Enjoy Your New Fake Milk Bottle!

Congratulations, you’ve now made your own fake milk bottle! You can use these as neat little accessories in cribs, strollers, nurseries, or anywhere you choose to display your reborn doll. It’s a relatively simple accessory that’s perfect to use with reborn dolls. In fact, you’ll likely get compliments from other artists and collectors who see your fake milk bottle (I know I do).

If you have any questions on how to make a fake milk bottle, shoot us an email or drop a comment below. The process is pretty straightforward, but some people may run into issues when making the mixture of fake milk.

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    • Janey
    • May 1, 2021

    magic sites sell something for a disappearing milk jug or pitcher!

    • Nem
    • January 3, 2021

    Is it ok to leave the fake milk in the bottle?

    • Amie D Robbins
    • November 2, 2017

    Do you have to use distill water?

    • Madelyn Souder
    • October 12, 2017

    I have two reborns and hoping for my third for Christmas. I am ten years old and hoping to try your recipe for fake milk thanks!

      • Kyla
      • September 22, 2018

      I have 0 and is looking for one on Christmas

        • Regina
        • January 12, 2021

        I have 4 reborns and hoping for my 5th one on Valentine’s day.

    • Driscella
    • August 16, 2017

    What is good to seal the nipple?

      • Madelyn Souder
      • October 12, 2017

      Super glue, hot glue, e6000,

      • Angela
      • October 18, 2021

      Clear Silicone glue

    • Lily
    • May 18, 2017

    How long does the milk last for?

    • Maggie Jones
    • May 5, 2017

    Don’t use real milk, it will spoil.

    • Chyiane
    • February 12, 2017

    I use lotion and water and works fine 😁

    • Rebornmom
    • January 30, 2017

    Try lotion or markers (mostly juice unless you have a white marker)

      • Kimberly
      • November 2, 2017

      I made great long lasting fake milk by using

      distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water
      lotion (avon moisture therapy)
      2 drops vanilla extract (for vanilla scent)

      in a bottle with an hole-less nipple.

      It’s been months and no rotting or bacteria. Most lotions have preservatives to keep them from going bad.

      I just shake and it looks brand new again. I am sure it will last a year or two.

      Need other tips I am at Snuggle Babies Nursery.

    • Ciara
    • January 16, 2017

    Don’t use the lotion because if you don’t shake it up every once and a while it will have clumps.

    • mrs a paker
    • January 8, 2017

    When making fake milk, the best thing I found is a natural white fabric conditioner. Mix in one or two drops of orange food color and hey presto you have a very realistic looking new born baby milk. Hope this helps!

      • Angela
      • October 18, 2021

      That’s what I’ve done previously but worry if a child bites a hole in the nipple and ingests it.

    • Mnm
    • October 3, 2016

    I can’t use elmers glue

      • Emma
      • November 4, 2016

      how come?

    • Jey
    • September 11, 2016

    How long does the mix last?

    • Barcokeba-May
    • September 2, 2016

    Never ever put your reborn doll in water unless it is a silicone doll without a crease at the neck,arms,and legs!I hope this was helpful!


    • Kate
    • August 25, 2016

    Do you have to boil the water?

    • Lily
    • August 23, 2016

    I have used fabric softener and water in the past and it has worked very well. It smells good, too, which is nice. It does settle after a while if you let it sit too long though. For sealing off the nipple of the bottle I used guac that my dad had left over from his kitchen (which also works well).

    Hope this helped ;0)

    • Barcokeba-May
    • December 19, 2015

    I have tried so many different things to seal my bottles and none of them worked so I am hoping super glue will work and I love the glue formula!By the way you don’t have to boil the water you can just shake the water and glue in your bottle.I hope this helped you!:)


      • Angela
      • October 18, 2021

      Did you try clear silicone glue? I found it perfect.

    • Evie F
    • December 13, 2015

    I’m getting mine for christmas too, My first one.I’ve already spent 40 pounds on the clothes. NOT joking. I went over board because its christmas! I’ve also spent 15 pounds on blankets and My mum bought me bottles etc.
    I’m getting everything else asap!
    This has helped so so much tyssm.

      • Donna Marie
      • December 17, 2016

      I’m hoping to get mine for chrisrmas too. I went to a thrift store and bought a baby girl bassinet, a couple of blankets, onsies, and pajamas. I then went to a family dollar store and spent like 25 dollars on real baby clothes and a thick blanket. Tonight I went and got 2 packages of newborn diapers, was on sale 2 for 12 dollars. Over the weekend I will go Xmas shopping g and get a few more things for her. I can’t wait to get mine. I’m so excited… I keep looking for new babies to get but for now the girl I am getting is beautiful. I also have an 11 inch baby boy. But I think that’s just for a collection. I thought about giving him to my granddaughter for Xmas, but he has all him parts and she wouldn’t understand. Oh well, I’m addicted…

    • Shanna :)
    • November 3, 2015

    Im getting my first reborn for Christmas!!! Im only 13 but im gonna take EXCELLENT care of my baby!!!! this recipe worked amazing since im already just soooooo excited for her arrival so im trying out different things to do for her!!!! Thxx Guys!!!

    • Shelby :)
    • July 19, 2015

    Is it safe to use water, lotion, baby powder, and a drop of milk?

      • Barcokeba-May
      • December 19, 2015

      NEVER! EVER! use real milk it will go bad!It will also stink really bad.I hope this helped you:P


    • can
    • May 23, 2015

    i make my milk using water and fabric softener

      • Emma
      • November 4, 2016

      As far as I know it’s fine. I’ve seen this done before.

      • Araya
      • January 2, 2017

      my baby girl is sick at 5am…

    • Amelia Jacobs
    • April 18, 2015

    I find using white fabric softener works well and some times you can make pretend juice from water and different food colouring. Thanx for publishing this article it really works. 🙂

    • Celine
    • February 17, 2015

    Don’t use paint and water. EVER!!! It ruins the bottle.

      • Kim
      • November 22, 2016

      Paint will start to separate too as well as eat the plastic.

    • Sammy Louis
    • January 23, 2015

    When I get my reborn I’m gonna use paint and water.

      • Samari
      • December 26, 2016

      i wouldn’t use that because it can ruin your reborn and damage the bottle just try lotion that you don’t use anymore and water and vanilla extract, the vanilla extract is optional. or you can use real formula. or lastly you can use lotion, water and a little bit of coffee to get the tint or yellowish and brownish color that you need.

    • Laura Garn
    • November 20, 2014

    Thank you for the site I just wondered how much water to you exactly I know I might need to add more later but that way I know how much water to start with per bottle of Elmer’s glue and I find that silicon that’s clear and 3 times rain proof of course water proof to seal of the nipples it woks wonderfully!! Thank you again Laura

    • Cali
    • August 4, 2014

    The glue settles after a while and you have to scrub the bottom of the bottle recall hard

    • Rhyan
    • June 18, 2014

    SO awesome
    I tried making one right BEFORE reading this and I used water and flour. It worked but it somehow didn’t look right.

    • Trinster
    • June 12, 2014

    Guys, you can try detergent and water!!! Make sure the color is white!!!

  1. Reply

    I do not make my milk like that I use water flour oats brown sugar try that

      • Debbie
      • July 16, 2015

      The foods will spoil.

      • Barcokeba-May
      • September 2, 2016

      Never ever use flour because it will go bad and stink .It happened to me.Hope this was helpful!


    • Yvonne Hughes
    • August 17, 2013

    They are gorgeous and saved my sanity after losing a daughter.

      • Ken'Janae
      • November 29, 2016

      I’m 12 and my mom bought me a reborn last Christmas. I absoulutly adore it and have been searching for ways to improve my milk look. I’ve been using sunscreen but the color is just not good. After reading this I happened to scroll and see what happened to you. I’m so very sorry and may the lord be with you

    • brittney
    • May 21, 2013

    great idea but i use coco butter lotion and water its cheap and it works.just wanted to let you know : )

      • Katrina Davis
      • March 20, 2016

      Can’t I use baby milk Sama?

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